Friday, October 28, 2011

Dreaming of California

I'm thinking we could use another honeymoon.  It has almost been ONE year since we were married and heading to good ole sunny San Diego.

Sitting here looking through pictures, I can't stop smiling. I love San Diego! and Aaron!  It was the best week of my life, by far. Hotel on the beach, Disneyland, San Diego temple, Old Town San Diego, riding around our resort on our bike/car, and more importantly a week away from school with my very best friend Aaron A. This all sounds so nice right now.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It's a Happy day today!

My O-Chem lab is done!! Yes! Done forever! I am SO happy. Yesterday I finished classes at 2!  That is unheard of! and I spent the rest of the night doing whatever I wanted, which I guess included quite a bit of homework...But seriously, I love my life now. I loved it before, but it's just so much better now.

Yesterday I spent half of my free time thinking of all the people that I want to plan fun things with! I thought about listing all my ideas, but I'm afraid I might forget someone important so we'll just skip that. But I DO have some new goals since I feel like I can actually accomplish them now!

1.Make dinner.  I want to throw up just thinking of Hot N Ready Pizza.

2. Make lunches in order to minimize our use of Suzie's meal plan. Haha

3. Be on time to work and church.  I've had a little problem lately that I must have been blaming on my busy schedule.

4. Go to Vegas and Idaho.  I haven't been home since July and I'm so homesick! I know that sounds like nothing but that's probably my record.

It's going to be a great rest of the semester!

P.S. I know my posts are boring because I don't have's because I always post at work. Sorry!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


This semester I feel like I am always waiting.  Waiting, while definitely working in the mean time. I am counting down until mid-semester when I will be done with my most time consuming class that is only worth 1 credit! Organic Chemistry Lab...ugh.  Surprisingly, I don't mind being in the lab doing experiments for 6 hours a week.  It is pretty meticulous but it kinda feels like I am cooking, probably because so far we have created banana oil and isolated cinnamaldehyde.  If I am going to be standing at my lab station for 3 hours, I might as well be graced with the aroma of cinnamon and bananas to pass the time.  It really makes a difference. 

  Hahaha I should do this with all my science friends.
 I saw this on pinterest.  Lab cookies.  Maybe these would help with my science frustrations.

I applied for PA school this past summer (yes, it took me all summer) and I am waiting on that now.  It feels weird to finally be at this point in my life.  It has always seemed so distant and now here it is!  I applied to 12 schools all over the country and I am waiting to hear back.  Last week I got my first invitation for an interview and hopefully there will be more! The interview is for Marietta College in Ohio.  I don't even know where that is but I'll take it! 

Basically, I am just waiting to see how the next 2 years of our life are going to play out and normally I wouldn't be aware of the waiting but we will be finding out in the next few months.  I guess this is a critical point in our lives?  I'll be fine with what happens either way!  I just want to know now!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Aaron, cops, and scooters.

Lately there is just some kind of magnetism with Aaron, cops, and scooters.  There has always been a little something with Aaron and cops but I swear that the cops in Provo just recently got together and decided to start pulling over scooters every chance they get. I'm serious.  I've seen a lot.

Friday night Aaron got pulled over on his scooter and got 4 tickets! Seriously?? Who gets 4 tickets in one sitting?! He wasn't even speeding. The scooter only goes 34 mph.   The best part was that Aaron asked him why he decided to follow him and the policeman said, "I just had a feeling that you did not have registration."  He didn't even do anything to get pulled over!

So yesterday Aaron went in and talked to the court and was getting it all figured out and on his way back...he gets pulled over AGAIN. 2 more tickets...  6 tickets in 3 days! How could a person get any more than that??!  And the tickets were for really stupid things.  Trust me. Provo cops are ridiculous.  That's all I can conclude.

On a funny note...I don't know if Aaron was thinking about his tickets while he was in the shower this morning or what but he was singing some song with the lyrics, "I fought the law and the law won." I had to giggle at the appropriateness of the song. Poor guy. Haha.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Today I woke up embarassed

Today I woke up embarassed.

It was all because my peaceful sleep was interrupted by The sudden blaring sound of Aarons alarm clock at 6:30 am.

Today my body's reaction was a little different than other days.

The second the noise started, my body jolted and I yelled, "science!"

Don't ask me why the word science was just waiting to burst out of my mouth this morning, it just was. And it left me feeling just a little bit embarrassed.

Friday, July 29, 2011

My friend Tanya

 Today I am thinking about my friend Tanya because I heard next week is shark week(or maybe it's this week?). Anyhow, she loves shark week. :) I met her when I worked for a home health care company in Las Vegas and now, although I don't see her often, she is one of my dearest friends. I love Tanya. She is a sweetheart with an occasional spunky little attitude. Haha  She suffers with Acromegaly and the complication that come with that disease so pray for her!  She always needs it.   Listen to her story! She has recently appeared on the Today show, TLC, Rachel Ray, Mystery Diagnosis, and all kinds of news programs. She's a star, but that's not the point :)  She is a beautiful person inside and out and I am proud to call her my friend. :) I love you Tanya!

Friday, July 1, 2011

I am married to a crazy man

So I was thinking today... Aaron really is kind of weird (in a good way).  He does things that I'm pretty sure most other people don't.  Like chewing and smacking his lips in his sleep. As a result, I am always laughing.  Here's a quick example.

This morning I am getting ready for work in our bedroom and Aaron is out in the living room.  I hear him start to whistle a tune most of us are familiar with, especially if you have seen any old cowboy movies.

It's the tune that's playing when the cowboy is walking out of the saloon doors to meet his opponent.  There is about to be a shootout and the townspeople are scattering (Hopefully you know what song I am trying to describe or else this story might not be very funny).

So anyways, I am hearing this tune coming from Aaron, now slowly walking towards the bedroom.  As he reaches the door to our room, he stops in the doorway.  He has his scuba goggles on with his morning hair sticking up in every direction.  Haha. He must have put on that get up and felt a little dangerous. 

Scuba Aaron. A little cross-eyed.

There is actually a reason for this pose.  He got these shirts printed for his business and this one was printed a little crooked.  So now for any pictures that he takes with this shirt on, he puts his arm up to straighten it out. I'm not sure what the reason is for his finger haha.

I love my little weirdo.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I feel like a Birthday party

Today is my brother's birthday.  He would be 24 today but he didn't stick around to celebrate. He had better things to do. I can't help but think what we would be doing on this day back when we were kids and he was still there.  We would be swimming all day and eating watermelon and corn from his garden.  We would all still be living at home with mom and dad playing cops and robbers, having rubber band wars, and not even paying a thought to what we had to do that day. I miss home and the days when everyone was together.  I can't wait until that happens again. I want to call a family day and go do something fun.  Maybe we could have some birthday cake and share our favorite memories.  Or maybe that would make us even more sad.  Who knows.  I think I'll go gather some ideas.

Happy Birthday Casey!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

This one's for Suzie girl!

Suzie text me this the other day:

"You haven't written on your blog in a while so I thought I should just remind you that you have a dedicated follower who would love a little laugh."

Haha Well Suzie here you go... Except I don't really have a funny story for you.  

The only weird things that happened to me today were:

I got pooped on by a bird on my walk to school and my yogurt tasted like hair dye.  Both kinda weird things but not much of a story to them.  The poop on my arm was a little confusing though.  I felt a drop on my arm and I thought, "Hm.  It's raining."  I look up and nothin' but clear skies.  I look down at my arm and there was a bright yellow little poop splat.  Sick.  So I plucked a leaf off a nearby tree and wiped it off. Good thing it was just a little guy. And the yogurt... is a mystery.  

I can't wait for my favorite little Suzie to move up here in one week and party with me!!! We're gonna do Zumba and go swimming and giggle and have tickle fights and probably get on Aaron's nerves (that's impossible). Our family is completely in Utah now except for mom and dad.  You're next you two!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My comic relief

Yesterday I was babysitting some of my favorite little people.  Jackson, Gracie, and Maddy.  My nieces and nephews.  We were driving in the car and we saw a police officer so Jack immediately started chatting about police officers.  I said, "Jack, do you want to be a police man when you grow up?"  He looked offended at this question and said, "NO. That would be BORING.  All police men do is drive around looking for people without their seat belts on and look for wrecks so they can give everyone a ticket."  Aaron and I had to laugh because he had a pretty good point.  Then I said, "Well what about a fireman?"  Again, he got a disgusted look on his face and said, "NO.  All firemen do is drive around in their trucks and look for fires to put out and save people. That would be BORING." We were cracking up.  I said Jack, "Did you learn what the word 'boring' meant today?"  With a look of satisfaction on his little face he said, "Yes." Then we drove the rest of the way home talking about other things.

When we were getting out of the car he walked over to me and said, "Jilly, you know what I want to be when I grow up?"  I said, "What Jack?" and he said, "One of those guys that plan weddings."  I stopped for a second. The first person I thought of was Fronk on Father of The Bride.  Then I just cracked up laughing and said, "Where did you get that idea Jack?"  He said, "You know like the guy at Mindy's wedding who was playing all those cool songs?  Like him."  Haha alright.  He wants to be a DJ.  That's a little better.

The kid cracks me up.  He was my little comic relief from my crazy day.

Friday, June 3, 2011

NieNie- my inspiration for the day

K so I don't even know this woman but she is one of the most amazing and inspiring people I have ever come across.  I have heard about her story through my sister-in-law, who serves with her in church, so I checked out her blog.

Her name is Stephanie Nielson. She and her husband were in a plane crash  a few years ago and they were both severely burned.  Stephanie was burned all over her body and face so badly that she was in a coma for 3 months after the wreck and was unrecognizable to her children.  She and her husband were just recently featured on the Glenn Beck show and 20/20.  I listened to them tell their story on Glenn Beck today and got teary-eyed 10 times.  They are an example to the world of hope.  After watching this, I felt guilty about complaining about anything.  The thing I loved most about this was that they were allowed and encouraged on National TV to praise and give thanks to their Heavenly Father.  It was so great to see that they were spreading their story along with the real reason why they are alive! You don't see people do that very often.  It makes me so proud!  I know that SO many people believe and worship God.  So why aren't more people proud of it??  Including myself.   Watch this.  You won't regret it.

Click here to watch Stephanie Nielson on Glenn Beck

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Livin' in the Ghetto

So Aaron has this thing with me and saying "ghetto".  When he first met me and my family he cracked up laughing at our over usage of the word "ghetto".  We really don't say it that often but he has never heard people use it in so many contexts.  Maybe it's a Vegas thing.  If something is broken or make-shift looking. I say that's ghetto.  If I'm shopping and I see a shirt that already has a hole in it, I say that's ghetto.  If I see someone wearing a wife-beater with their crack hangin out.  I say that's ghetto. I think it makes total sense. Maybe I'm confused on what ghetto means, but it's worked for me so far.

So this morning, I am sitting in bed reading my book and eating some cereal when I hear some sirens...  Usual.  But then I hear a guy on a load speaker yelling, "Put your hands in the air and step outside the vehicle."  I just knew my car was getting stolen.  So I jump out of bed and run to my front room window.  I peek through the blinds and I can't see anything but I can still hear them yelling on the speaker.  So I open my front door and sure enough there are some full grown hoodlums gettin' arrested across the street (for who knows what).

I mean, I kinda thought we lived in the ghetto, but it's Provo.  Could any part of Provo be that ghetto? Well that incident just confirmed it.  I say when you got bums hangin' out and people gettin' arrested within 15 yards of your house, that's when you know you live in the ghetto. It's ok. I've accepted it. It gives our neighborhood character.  I'll just continue to lock my doors during the daytime and double check on our cars at night. No big.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Last night I was at Walmart and I saw a cart-boy in rollerblades.  I thought, "Hey that's not a bad idea". Then my next thought was, "Kim Ram...".  I laughed out loud just thinking about it.

A few weeks ago when I was in Vegas, we were craving a good rollerblading session.  Suzie, Kim, and I strapped on our blades and rode off into the night.

So the church next to the temple has a really good hill.  I was assuming everyone agreed on this hill so I turned and headed straight down it with Kim right by my side.  I'm thinking somewhere at the top of that hill she changed her mind because she started swinging her arms around and yelling, "Jill!  Help me! I can't stop!"   By that time she was reaching for the back of my shirt and I was yelling, "Don't hold onto me!" while simultaneously utilizing my rollerblading skills to dodge her reach.  We struggled for a few seconds.  Then I hear a slap on the pavement and I knew I had escaped.

The rest of the way down the hill I hear Kim groaning/laughing/crying and I can't help but laugh so hard!  I know it's not what a best friend should do but I just got this thing...  I laugh at things like rollerblading crashes.  I get to the bottom of the hill and look up.  In the moonlight, I see Kim's legs up in the air and Suzie still zig zagging her way down at the top of the hill.  She wasn't takin' any chances. I could hardly stand there I was laughing so hard.  I made my trek back up the hill to see what the damages were.

Poor Kimmy!  She had a big raspberry on her bum/hip, 2 on her knees, and 1 on her elbow.  I guess we weren't giving her enough sympathy because as soon as we walked back in my house she yelled, "Neil!  I'm hurt!" Hahaha  Suzie and I were cracking up.  She doesn't know that my dad isn't very sympathetic either. He did his best though.  We walked in and he was checking out the injuries. What a good dad. Suzie and I cleaned and bandaged up our little friend and the rest of the night was spent recovering (well... we managed to slip a little Zumba in).

Moral of the story is:  Don't panic at the top of a hill when you are rollerblading.  Just go straight and hope you don't hit a rock. Or...check your brakes before you do anything dare devilish.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

Warning:  this is going to be a negative one.  Is anyone else sick of all this rain??  I really do love a rainy day or two but 10 rainy days when it's supposed to be summer?? Come on! It makes me homesick knowing that I could be laying by the pool next to Suzie in the warm Las Vegas sun.  Instead I am here... under the gray and black clouds...

The hardest part of rainy days: The worms spread out and mashed all over the sidewalk...ugh! It makes me wanna throw up. It took forever for me to even figure out what they were! But now i know, I can't forget it. I don't want to squish them so I tip-toe down the sidewalk looking like a weirdo. Then I remember I'm in a hurry (like usual) so I put my head up, think about something else, and just walk.  It's really hard to not imagine the worms squishing under my feet, but I do it.  It's just another part of the rainy day. 

I usually turn to Aaron to help me be positive but even he is pretty bugged. He has a window washing business and the rain is really interfering with his daily enjoyment. Window washing is his passion. haha But I'm going to look at the bright side BECAUSE  at church yesterday I made a goal to work on being more positive! So, on this rainy day I am going to highlight the positive. I really do like the rain.  Just not right now.

Fresh air.  I LOVE the smell of rain.
Everything looks so clean and new.
Something about a dark and cloudy day really brings out the green in all of the trees and plants. It's so pretty!
I have an excuse not to wash my car :)
The best is thunder and lightning!  
My hair becomes a mess of curls.
Aaron is more available.
The sound of rain hitting the roof.
I get to use my zebra umbrella and I feel like a diva.

Have a happy day! :)


Friday, May 20, 2011

My Best Friend

Let me introduce my best friend to my blog. His name is Aaron Anderson.

We are really rediculous sometimes.  We will laugh at each other for the dumbest things.  This is how it goes.

He says or does something funny.
I laugh.
Then he laughs.
Then I laugh AT his laugh.
Then he starts fake laughing because he knows it's making me laugh now.
Then I laugh even harder and it just keeps going until I'm in pain and yelling, "Stop!"  through my hysterical laughter.  

This little bundle of joy (literally) came into my life 17 months ago.  Luckily I was going to church or I woulda never met him! I could easily pick him out of the crowd at ward activities.  All I had to do was scan the crowd for a flannel plaid shirt.  The boy has a number in the double digits of them.  I've counted.  I just found out that the reason he even noticed me at FHE that night was because I happened to be wearing a blue plaid shirt!  He has an addiction.

Anyways we'll skip the part about how I had a crush on him long before he had a crush on me for the sake of my pride and just get to the point.  November 20, 2010 was the best day of my life.  I married my very best friend in the Las Vegas Temple for time and all eternity. And today, 6 months later, I still feel like the luckiest girl in the world!  Because I am :)

Yay for 6 months Aaron A!  I love you!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wog's Blog

     Some of you may have looked at my blog and wondered, "Why the weird name?" Well...there's a small explanation.  First of all.  I had a really hard time thinking of a creative name.  Everyone has these names that have nothing to do with anything or they are just a small detail from their life that describes them.  I wanted to think of something like that but sorry I am just not that creative!  So the name "wog".  It's a nick name that I was given somewhere in my childhood.  Don't exactly know who gave it to me but it seemed like my dad used it the most.  It ranges from Jilly-wog to woggy to wog.  It's not just my immediate family that uses it, it's my extended family, friends, and my in-laws now too.  I have to smile when I hear it.  It makes me feel closer to that person somehow.
     One funny encounter with my nickname was with my roommate Kirstin Gunn.  She had caught on to my name from my cousins and sister living with me.  You could tell by the tone of her voice that she was excited to call me by a new name.  Every now and then I'd hear her call to me across the house.  Then there was one time when she acknowledged me with my nickname in our conversation.  I just cracked up laughing and said, "What did you say?"  She looked confused and said, "Jilly-Wod?"  I laughed so hard.  All this time she was calling me "Jilly-Wod".  Haha Needless to say, she got the memo.  Anyways, the point is, Wog and Blog rhyme. HaHa. So I am perfectly content using this easy to interpret, not so creative name for my blog.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hello Blogging World!

I have been jealously following other blogs for about a year now.  I made up my mind today that I was going to create my very own blog and decorate it with all my very own favorite things.  So here it is. Now I gotta go round up some followers.