Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Aaron, cops, and scooters.

Lately there is just some kind of magnetism with Aaron, cops, and scooters.  There has always been a little something with Aaron and cops but I swear that the cops in Provo just recently got together and decided to start pulling over scooters every chance they get. I'm serious.  I've seen a lot.

Friday night Aaron got pulled over on his scooter and got 4 tickets! Seriously?? Who gets 4 tickets in one sitting?! He wasn't even speeding. The scooter only goes 34 mph.   The best part was that Aaron asked him why he decided to follow him and the policeman said, "I just had a feeling that you did not have registration."  He didn't even do anything to get pulled over!

So yesterday Aaron went in and talked to the court and was getting it all figured out and on his way back...he gets pulled over AGAIN. 2 more tickets...  6 tickets in 3 days! How could a person get any more than that??!  And the tickets were for really stupid things.  Trust me. Provo cops are ridiculous.  That's all I can conclude.

On a funny note...I don't know if Aaron was thinking about his tickets while he was in the shower this morning or what but he was singing some song with the lyrics, "I fought the law and the law won." I had to giggle at the appropriateness of the song. Poor guy. Haha.

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